Why have a memorial for your pet or animal companion?
You love your animal friends and consider them members of your family. Animals provide companionship, acceptance, emotional support and unconditional love during the time they share with you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When your beloved pet dies, it’s not unusual to feel overwhelmed by the intensity of your sorrow. If you understand and accept this bond between humans and animals, you’ve already taken the first step toward coping with pet loss: knowing that it is okay to grieve when your pet dies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A memorial service offers comfort and…
- embraces the grieving process and
- acknowledges your relationship with your pet,
- offers a chance to celebrate the life of your pet,
- is a way to remember all the wonderful times.
A personalized pet memorial is an opportunity to share stories, create a memorial space or simply treasure your memories.
As a Funeral Celebrant and Officiant certified by the Celebrant Foundation & Institute, I will collaborate with you and your family in an unhurried personal meeting as we work together to create a loving, personal tribute to your pet or animal companion according to your wishes.
To Contact Me…
I will provide the most comforting and reassuring experience given your needs and circumstances.
Contact me in whatever manner is easiest for you, by email francis@significantceremonies.com, phone at 425.770.9243, or the easy to use contact form. Let’s discuss how I can help you through this difficult time.